Life Under The Limbo Bar

Do the people around seem to maneuver through life so much easier than you do? Do they seem to miss all the tough breaks and catch all the good ones? While you’re slip sliding along do they seem to never lose their balance? What exactly is it they know that you don’t?

I used to wonder the same thing until I was reminded of a high-spirited dance game I used to play as a child – The Limbo. If you’ve ever been to the Caribbean or a beach party of any kind, you’ve probably played this game. It’s a high-spirited dance game of flexibility and balance. While festive Caribbean music is played participants form a line and bend their bodies backwards and sideways while trying to move under a horizontal bar or stick. If they move the stick, hit their heads on it, or fall down they’re out of the game. The winner is the last one to get under the bar at the lowest notch.

At first the bar is held high and it doesn’t take much effort to maneuver. But as the game goes on the stick gets lower and lower and it becomes harder and harder to maneuver. As a child I had no problem contorting my body to incredible positions to get under the bar, but as an adult I don’t have that same flexibility.

Life is like that limbo bar. As we get older, or the challenges get harder we find ourselves on our butts in the dirt wondering when we got so inflexible and stiff.

I’m an expert on human behavior and I work with corporations in the United States and Canada on how to solve crises, motivate employees, solve problems and teach effective communication skills. I’m the mother of four grown children. I’m happily married, a grandmother to a new granddaughter and a sister, a former peace officer and a professional speaker.

Some of the things you’ll learn about limboing through life are:

How to reduce stress
How to use a sense of humor to tackle uncomfortable or difficult situations
How to silence the inner critic that convinces you that you can’t do things
How to bend and shift to avoid taking the brunt of the crisis’ that life throws at you
How to manage stress no matter what is creating it
Dealing with conflict and communicating with friends, family and co-workers effectively

Limboing through life is not just a metaphor for party your way through the bad times. It’s a metaphor for learning how to gauge the difficulties ahead of you and how to create a strategy that will allow you to keep your balance and not hit your head or fall down every time you encounter something difficult in your life. I know my advice works because I’ve spoken to hundreds of people and groups of all ages that tell me it works. They’ve not only learned how to find the silver lining in the darkest of clouds, they’ve learned how to cash it in and cullect the pot of guld at the end of the rainbow! The truth is rain falls into everyone’s life. You can’t have rainbows without it. You can learn to find those rainbows more often.

Any winner or successful person will tell you the secret to life is to “never give up,” as though not giving up were easy! It’s not! It’s darn hard! I’m going to tell you that same secret – NEVER GIVE UP! But I’m going to tell you how to make it easier to hang in there while you’re struggling. I’m going to share with you the secrets of how thousands of successful people learned that getting under the limbo bar isn’t about gutting it out and struggling or forcing your way through life. The secret is to dance and twist and enjoy the challenge, not to dread it, fear it or hate it.

But you can’t dance and twist and love the limbo until you understand it, and that’s what Life Under the Limbo Bar is all about – the skills you need to maneuver. In Life Under the Limbo Bar you’ll learn a variety of lessons from some unusual sources – like the ones our pets often teach us such as:

When in doubt, nap
Persistence pays off and
Words aren’t always necessary

Pets are great, but you’ll learn from the experts too.

For instance, did you know that Author and Harvard psychology researcher Daniel Gilbert once believed that people are happier when they can change their minds? But in 2002 he and a colleague discovered that people are generally happier about irrevocable decisions. Once you are locked into a decision, you tend to focus on its positive aspects and ignore the negative ones. But if you are allowed to change your mind, you ruminate on both the positive and negative aspects of the choice, which makes you less happy.

Using Gilbert’s research along with my own first hand experience as a peace officer, parent, and profiler I’ve come up with ways to help you learn how to focus on the positive aspects of life and the situations around you, even if you’re a natural pessimist! Whether you see the proverbial glass as “half full or half empty,” there’s something for you in this book.

You’ll learn simple tips like these combined with other limbo skills can actually improve your communication with others and lower your stress levels at the same time.

Breathe. This gives the brain essential oxygen. At the same time, it provides valuable thinking time.
Don’t get caught up in trying to win. Look for opportunities for shared responsibility and agreements.
Involve others. Don’t insulate yourself from those who could help you most.
Give the gift of time. Stop trying to get to the solution so quickly. Pressure situations are often emotionally charged—not an optimal state for problem solving.
Don’t become defensive. Relax and refocus the discussion on the real issue.
Laugh it off. Lighten up and keep your sense of humor.

You owe it to yourself to learn how to dance your way around the boulders life throws at you. No one gets points for being the most miserable human being to survive their lives. So why are you trapped in believing that you do?

Take five minutes and get your e-book today to start learning how to dance, live, love and limbo through your life. You deserve it!