As a peace officer, I looked to further my career. However, my own mind had other ideas, and I felt the only thing standing between me and my goal was the PARE (Physical Ability Requirement Evaluation). I had completed it three times, but could not meet the goal of 4:45. It wasn’t as if I couldn’t see my goal, it was right there, on the other side of this huge wall. Referred to Faith by a friend, I thought Guided Imagery would perhaps give me the courage and motivation to get where I really wanted, no, deserved to be. After one session with Faith, I felt good enough to jog home!
The motivation she instilled in me kept me going, even if I’d rather be anywhere than the gym. I’m proud to say that a short few weeks later, I passed the PARE with a time of 3:33, but I’m even more proud to say that Faith’s work inspired me to get there!
– Peace Officer Kendyl Hudson