Limiting Beliefs are like a virus to your mind

Limiting beliefs are something that we do out of habit – these are our unconscious thoughts at work!

Consider the baby elephant – when humans want to restrict the movement of a 10 ton elephant, they start out by tying a rope to the leg of the baby.  Although the baby may try to pull the stake and the rope out of the ground, they soon find they cannot break the hold the rope has on them.  As a result, when the baby grows into a powerful adult, the belief that the rope cannot be broken sticks with them.  The elephant will not even try to break free.

When someone has produced poor or unfavorable results from a situation or event, theymay develop limiting beliefs that prevent them from adapting and responding appropriately.  If during the last situation, you were left alone with your own feelings of inadequacy and doubt, you were really in poor company.

As an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) trainer, I have learned to break downmajor limiting beliefs into the following categories:

* Desperation – Under this situation, the person thinks that he can never achieve his goal under any circumstances. He desperately tries to achieve his goal but fails because he works with half-heartedness, half-effort, and the idea of failure at the onset.

* Defencelessness – Under this, the person thinks that he can achieve his goal, but relies more on luck and fate. (Luck is when opportunity meets preparation.) This person accepts failure as the work of the gods, or fate, or something outside of them.

* Worthlessness – Under this, the person think that he is unable to deserve to achieve the goal. He finds himself as incapable and not worth anything. This belief starts the cycle of not accepting the achievements, or discounting them when achieved, as Woody Allen stated, “I would never join a club that allowed someone like me as a member”.

Limiting beliefs (or negative beliefs) are a virus to your mind and your good intentions.  This is the Assassin of all your stored effort.

Do you believe with every fiber of your being that you are going to achieve any goal you set for yourself?  Big or small?   It is going to happen – there are no hiccups – there are no maybes?

Too often, when asked that question, the answer is NO.  We normally have conversations in our head (with the enemy) – “you knew this was not going to work – why did you even start it.”

Most people become so superficially engaged with the law of attraction that they are not prepared for these conversations in their own head.  Instead of expecting strong outcomes they start hoping for them.

One must have expectation not hope!  Notice your own tone and body positioning when you say ‘hope’ vs. Expect!

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How do you learn to expect:  speak it into believing!  As confidence builds, your expectation builds.

Here is a tip to help you get started along that path:

Sit down with a blank sheet of paper and draw out 3 columns.  Reflect or recall a few of the events and circumstances that introduced the limiting belief into your present life.  (it can be difficult to recall the original triggers, so see how many experiences have reinforced the belief if you are struggling – where does the evidence lie that the belief is true for you?)

In the left column, record the facts of the event only
In the middle column, record the emotion it evoked – what was the applied belief as a result of the fact you listed?
For the far right column, consider this question:  What else could this mean? Challenge yourself to come up with more positive of useful meanings than negative ones (this can be tricky so feel free to work it through with a friend or trusted mentor)

If you want to change your belief or emotional state, you have to ask yourself better questions.  Our brains are always looking for evidence.  Its time to kill the virus with objectivity, clarity and focus.

When you are focused on your passion, it is easier to expect things to happen.  What do you know that no one has ever had to teach you?  Why do you know you know it?  What emotion or conversation does it evoke inside your mind?

People respond to passion – you don’t have to be perfect.  Forgive your mis-steps and focus on becoming truly unstoppable.