Why would you train in NLP style techniques?

What do Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, John F. Kennedy Jr., William Shakespeare, Margaret Thatcher, and Martin Luther King Jr. all have in common? They are all extraordinary motivational speakers who use enriched language that appeals to all of our senses to convey a powerful message. 01 Traditional communication techniques focus on the use of open questions (which start with who, where, what, when, why, or how) or closed questions (which can only be answered with a specific piece of data, like yes or no, a date, etc.).

questionNLP uses question forms that are more typically seen in therapeutic style settings called clean questioning. “To be ‘clean’ means to ask with curiosity – to be naïve, present, open, not knowing, alert, aware, fascinated, eager to learn, and selfless.”

Clean questions often have the following elements:

  • Are in the present tense
  • Use “And” as an opener
  • Use one of the 5 W’s or How as a closer
  • Mirror the other person’s words
  • Probe for more information

They are most useful when:

  • Collecting information, so that you can also gather contextual information about the person’s states, systems, and thought processes
  • Helping someone solve a problem
  • Listening to someone’s concerns
  • Clarifying the communicator’s message
  • You want to encourage, coach, mentor, teach, and inspire
  • You want to resolve differences while showing respect for other people

ptsd-bundleConsider how our language patterns tend to influence behaviour: Our subconscious mind can’t think in negatives. Have you ever tried telling yourself not to cry? Your mind must first think of crying and then attempt not to do so.

This is why commands like:

Don’t touch that glass;
Don’t go anywhere;
There’s no need to worry;
Don’t drive into the ditch –

Are often ineffective. (Parents in particular know what I’m talking about!)

Instead of focusing on what you don’t want, focus on what you do want. (To use a driving analogy, look where you want to go!)

Use a positive command instead. So, the directions above might look like:

Please keep your hands on the table;
Please stay seated;
Try to relax;
Stay on the road

Using NLP style techniques as well as a functioning body of knowledge from a variety of sources, Inspiring Minds Mental toughness training is the complete and  comprehensive training that covers everything you need to know to succeed and also to help others succeed in all areas of life including business, relationships, health & fitness, career and any other area of life.  and Yes, we use a bit of NLP strategies to aid in this.

Our NLP Training is right for you….

If you are an owner of a business or a manager: You will be able to overcome the obstacles that prevent you from taking your business to the next level, and to transform your team into a highly motivated group of people.
If you are a parent: You will discover how to assist your children to grow and learn faster while enjoying the process.
If you are a salesperson: You will learn how to communicate effectively with your clients and increase your results
If you are a coach, therapist, or educator: You will learn how to help your clients make massive shifts in their life in just a few sessions.
If you are an employee: You will learn how to stay motivated, gain control over your mind in a difficult situation, and how to effectively communicate with your colleagues.

Check out our event flyer attached here. intro to NLP.doc  intro-to-nlp-doc

Then STOP what you are doing right NOW and REGISTER for our Introduction to NLP One Day Seminar that runs February 2nd in Calgary  come discover why this might just be the most beneficial investment you make this year in unleashing your full potential!

I’m looking forward to supporting you.