This isn’t your typical self-help blog (although there is some of that too)! You’ll find topics ranging from goal setting to conflict negotiation and everything in between. If you’re ready to do more than just show up, and instead take control of the story you’re telling, then it’s time to dig in!
6 tips for reducing a feeling of Overwhelm
Overwhelm, Brain Fog or emotional clutter – call it what you will – we will all encounter a moment in time when we realize we are utterly full! We find ourselves unable to concentrate on one more thing or cope with one more pressure. Just like our closets and cupboards, stuff collects and can start […]

7 Surprising Truths About Body Language
7 Surprising Truths about Body Language We have all heard the statement “actions speak louder than words” and we have likely already discovered that we can communicate without the aid of a single word being uttered. This is what we often refer to as the body language cues. For example, wee can shrug our shoulders […]

Are your nervous butterflies preventing you from claiming the spotlight?
When you think about public speaking, do you get that sinking feeling and start to shake? Is speaking in public one of your greatest fears? Do you feel nervous because you fear you will not be able to get your point across or believe you are not as good as you’d like to be? Wouldn’t it be […]

If you want to shift perception – start with the beliefs
Introduction to beliefs and the influence of perception And some tips on how to re-adjust them! I have said it before, and I will say it again here….There’s no such thing as a limiting belief. I know that may sound strange for someone who makes a living eliminating them, but it actually makes my job a lot […]

Is reading fiction good for your brain?
Fiction or Non – do you have a reading preference? When was the last time you engaged in reading a book, or a substantial online article? Do your daily reading habits stretch no further than tweets, mundane Facebook updates, or the cooking instructions found on Pinterest? If you’re one of countless people who refuse to make […]

Nurturing an Attitude of Gratitude
We are the Fortunate Ones. Although we live in a country where the majority of people are what I would call privileged, an attitude of gratitude is not always forthcoming. Logically you would think that having so much would help us be thankful, but instead many are frustrated, stressed and discouraged. Sadly too many of […]

Focus is a mental skill that can be learned
Want to get better results? Develop your FOCUS ability Why does focus matter? One of the most well-known NLP ‘facts’ is the idea that you can’t not think of a blue hippopotamus. This is because negation is processed differently by neurology than in language. If I say “Don’t smile”, your neurology has to process the meaning of ‘smile’ […]

How do you put the brakes on chronic anger?
Anger is a natural emotion designed to help protect us from real (or imagined) attacks against our physical or emotional well-being. When used appropriately, anger can be used as a tool to motivate us into achieving goals we would otherwise be too afraid or lazy to pursue. In this way, anger may not be a […]

Is your relationship safe?
Boredom can lead to an affair. Many people fall into routines, including tired routines in the bedroom. What do you do to keep your marriage/relationship fresh? Is the time you are spending together stagnant or filled with breathless excitement? The 2nd installment of the 50 Shades of Grey Movies is being released for Valentine’s Day […]

Limiting Beliefs are like a virus to your mind
Limiting beliefs are something that we do out of habit – these are our unconscious thoughts at work! Consider the baby elephant – when humans want to restrict the movement of a 10 ton elephant, they start out by tying a rope to the leg of the baby. Although the baby may try to pull […]

Beware of ‘The Old Cliché’!
The next time you are going through a really tough time in your life and some perky little twit says to you, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” or “It’s always darkest before the dawn,” try to resist the temptation to stuff a carrot lemonade muffin up his or her nose. That person probably […]
Are leaders born or led?
For as long as leaders have led, we have wondered if their abilities are the result of mystical forces or if they represent a set of skills that can be learned. When we see a talented carpenter or engineer at work, we imagine that we can see what they do, so therefore what they do […]
How Stories Affect Decision Making
I, like many other Canadians, have been mildly amused and entertained by the US Presidential Nomination race between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. This electoral process has garnered a lot of international attention, probably more so than in any other time in history. This kind of attention is good and bad. Good in that it […]
When Cliques are your fault
If you have ever been part of the leadership of a board, you have no doubt heard the complaint that your group is too cliquey. A Clique is any small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them. This […]
Tips for Motivating the Unmotivated
Motivating yourself can be difficult at times, but motivating other people offers a different kind of challenge. Short of standing behind them with a pitchfork and an evil grin, or offering them a gazillion dollars, what can you do to get the best from others, be they employees or colleagues or even family (although that’s […]
Is “Motivation” a dying topic?
I was chatting with a prospective client this morning when the challenge of navigating conflict in high performance sports came up. We were chatting about the body language and conflict strategies needed for officials in the sports world. The chat shifted to the mind set necessary to gain the biggest ROI from these discussions when […]
Coping with (Dare I say) Toxic feedback
I have been making my living as a professional speaker, consultant, author and coach over the past dozen years. Dare I reveal what a tough profession this can be – at the very least on one’s self esteem?! You spend countless hours crafting and rehearsing not only your presentation but your stage craft. You have […]
Time for a video pep talk?
Have you ever felt disillusioned with your current relationships? Attitude? Life? I think we all can suffer from this occasionally and I know I have. There are times when my motivation or gratitude is at an all time low, and then other times when it is at an all time high. There are times when […]
Overcoming Procrastination
Do you take a long time to do tasks – so long that they only get done at the absolute last minute? Do you find yourself stressing about the job looming ahead, but unable to get started on it? Would you rather clean the toilet with a toothbrush than do what you are supposed to […]
Does your ego need spanx?
Do you think (and rightly so) that the world revolves around you? Do you feel that you and only you can fix problems? Do you believe – no, not believe … know – that you are always right? In other words, does your ego need Spanx? According to the Oxford Dictionary, “ego” is “a person’s […]